If you want a successful online presence, you need a website and great social presence. Achieve the much needed result but within a small wallet, follow these small business tips.
What should you do?
Buy a domain name and small web space from a reputed hosting provider, don’t go for cheap ones. (Spend now, you will reap the benefits later)
If you have little money left, go to a proper web design studio and tell them your plan and start building a small business website. You can give us a try too 😉
If you are concerned about cost, install WordPress CMS for Free and select a Free theme that best suits your business. Add Free plugins to get added features.
Add Social Media
Sign up on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for free for your social media presence, having more is better as LinkedIn, YouTube, and Alignable is also social media.
Create a Facebook business page and profile depending how you want to promote yourself or your business.
If you have more pictures to show and promote, Pinterest will be a good choice.
Link your website with your social pages
Add social sharing buttons on your website
Share regular updates on your website about your business
Here’s how to do it:
Start today, like right now
Use Google to get the answers
Ask for help if the process is difficult
Work with a consultant if time is an issue
Don't be afraid, just do it